Minecraft review

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A unique exploration of a pixelated world - Minecraft!

There is a certain allure that Minecraft possesses, undoubtedly brought about by a combination of its creative freedom and simplistic graphic aesthetics. Even though the graphics may appear old-school and simple, Minecraft has cultivated an iconic visual language that resonates amongst its players that very few video games have managed to achieve. A single texture from Minecraft plastered on a shirt can be recognized by its fans, which cannot be said for most other mainstream games. The distinctive look is not only memorable but also triggers a wave of nostalgia for the 8-bit era. 

One of the most fulfilling experiences in Minecraft comes from creating your own place within the gameplay. The Survival Mode spawns you in a completely random location with nothing to your advantage. You must collect resources to build your food, shelter, and tools yourself. When I built that first wooden door in my mud hut, a unique sense of ownership was instilled, distinct from any other game. The joy of creating a home where every single piece is meticulously placed heightens the gameplay experience. 

The act of crafting in Minecraft holds paramount importance despite the lack of directions within the game itself. When I first gathered wood, I was clueless about its utility. Most Minecraft players, like me, find guidance in the online forums, communities, and wikis dedicated to Minecraft. However, a built-in recipe guide would significantly enhance the crafting process instead of relying solely on external sources.

Minecraft may have a steep learning curve, but the fun in the game justifies it. As you keep crafting and start to gain control over your environment, you feel a sense of power, even with a simple wooden sword at hand. The thrill begins when you start crafting not just the essentials but also items for your next big goal. From fundamental survival tools to complex, self-powered rail systems, crafting in Minecraft empowers you like no other game does.

Once you solidify your spot within the game, a typical Minecraft session changes into an adventure. Every session becomes a quest for the resources you need next. The thrill and experience of unanticipated adventures invigorate each Minecraft session. You might be a humble builder one day, and the next day, you become a hero conquering dungeons and fighting monsters, all in the quest for precious blocks and experiencing the thrill of the unknown. 

The joy of adventuring and building colossal structures in Minecraft is amplified with friends. Setting up a multiplayer gaming session might require some extra steps, but the collective enjoyment makes it worth it. It's wonderful to showcase your creations to a friend or see the awe on their face as they log in and discover your latest architectural marvel. 


  • The endearing, retro-style aesthetic is nostalgic and distinctive;
  • Crafting provides a unique sense of achievement and purpose;
  • The gameplay fosters a strong sense of ownership and creativity;
  • The thrill of unpredictable adventures makes the game exciting.


  • Crafting lacks a built-in guide which can be overwhelming;
  • The multiplayer setup requires too many steps and can be tedious.

To wrap up, Minecraft is an adventure, a creative outlet, and a sandbox of endless possibilities, and its pixel charm continues to allure gamers around the world to play, build, and explore. The thrill of mastery and the transformation of the survivalist to a dominant force within the game adds to the awe. Despite some hiccups with in-game documentation and multiplayer setup, Minecraft is an exhilarating experience for players, no matter how diverse their gaming background.

Image source - play.google.com
Minecraft Logo
Author: Mojang
Latest Version:
Publish Date: September 24, 2020
Size: Varies with device

To download the app, you will get links to the Official Website and/or official digital markets.

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