Unlock the Hidden Features of WhatsApp You Should Be Using

Samanta Blumberg


Unlock the Hidden Features of WhatsApp You Should Be Using

WhatsApp, a widely used messaging app, offers numerous features beyond simple texting. While many users are familiar with its basic functionalities, there are numerous hidden features that can significantly enhance your messaging experience. In this article, we'll uncover ten little-known features of WhatsApp that you should start using today.

Pin Important Chats

Pin Important Chats

If you frequently find yourself scrolling through endless chats to locate important conversations, the pinning feature will be a game-changer. You can pin up to three chats to the top of your chat list, ensuring that your most important conversations are always accessible.

To pin a chat, simply press and hold on the conversation you want to prioritize and tap the pin icon.

Star Messages for Quick Reference

Have you ever needed to quickly find an address or a piece of information shared in a long conversation? With the star message feature, you can easily mark and locate important messages. To start a message, press and hold on to the message and tap the star icon.

You can access all your starred messages by going to the chat menu and selecting 'Starred messages'. This feature is incredibly useful for keeping track of key information without having to scroll through endless chat history.

Custom Notifications for Individual Contacts

Custom Notifications for Individual Contacts

Handling a flood of notifications can be overwhelming, especially when some messages are more urgent than others. WhatsApp allows you to set custom notifications for individual contacts, so you can prioritize alerts from specific people.

To set a custom notification, open the chat with the contact, tap the contact name at the top, and select 'Custom notifications'. Here, you can customize the notification tone, vibration pattern, and even the light color if your phone supports it.

Use WhatsApp on a Desktop

For those who spend a lot of time on their computers, WhatsApp Web and WhatsApp Desktop offer a more convenient way to stay connected. Simply scan the QR code on the WhatsApp Web page or the desktop app with your phone to sync your messages.

This feature allows you to send and receive messages, photos, and videos directly from your computer, making multitasking a breeze. It is fully synchronized with your mobile app, so you’ll have access to all your messages and contacts.

Disappearing Messages

Disappearing Messages

Privacy-conscious users will appreciate WhatsApp's disappearing messages feature, which automatically deletes messages after seven days. This can be especially useful for conversations containing sensitive information.

To enable disappearing messages, open a chat, tap the contact's name at the top, select 'Disappearing Messages', and choose 'On'. Once activated, all new messages in the chat will be deleted after the set period.

Two-Step Verification

Enhancing the security of your WhatsApp account is easy with two-step verification. This feature adds an extra layer of protection by requiring a PIN whenever you register your phone number with WhatsApp.

To enable two-step verification, go to Settings > Account > Two-step verification, and tap 'Enable'. You will then be prompted to create a six-digit PIN and provide an email address for recovery. This measure significantly boosts your account's security.

Hide Last Seen and Read Receipts

Hide Last Seen and Read Receipts

If you value your privacy, you might want to control who can see your last seen status and read receipts. WhatsApp allows you to hide this information, giving you more control over your availability and activity.

To adjust these settings, navigate to Settings > Account > Privacy. Here, you can choose who can see your last seen status and whether or not to send read receipts. This can help maintain your privacy while still staying connected.

Broadcast Lists

Sending out the same message individually to multiple contacts can be time-consuming. That's where WhatsApp's broadcast lists come in handy. This feature lets you send a single message to multiple people without creating a group.

To use broadcast lists, go to the chat screen, tap the menu button, and select 'New broadcast'. Add the contacts you want to include, and you can send your message to all of them at once.

Mute Group Chats

Mute Group Chats

Group chats are a fantastic way to stay connected with multiple people at once, but they can also be quite noisy. If you're part of an active group, muting notifications can help you manage your alerts.

To mute a group chat, open the group, tap the group name at the top, and select 'Mute notifications'. You can choose to mute notifications for 8 hours, 1 week, or 1 year. This way, you can check the group updates at your convenience without being constantly interrupted.

Search Chats Efficiently

Finding specific information within your chats can be challenging, especially if you have lengthy conversations. WhatsApp's search feature lets you quickly locate messages, photos, and videos across all your chats.

To perform a search, go to the main chat screen and tap on the search icon. Enter the keyword or phrase you're looking for, and WhatsApp will display all relevant matches. This feature helps you save time and easily retrieve important information from your chat history.
