Exploring the Perils and Treasures of Wyndham Catacombs in Elden Ring

Greg Burn


Exploring the Perils and Treasures of Wyndham Catacombs in Elden Ring

The Wyndham Catacombs in Elden Ring present players with a challenging yet rewarding experience. Nestled on the Altus Plateau near the Gelmir region, this location unfolds secrets and encounters that provide an exciting journey through its depths. With formidable enemies lying in wait and treasures to discover, it's essential to approach the catacombs well-prepared. This guide details a step-by-step walkthrough for navigating the Wyndham Catacombs and offers strategies to overcome its fearsome guardian, the Erdtree Burial Watchdog. Join us as we delve into the eerie ambiance and intricate design of this captivating location.

Chapter 1: The Approach to the Catacombs

Your adventure begins at the Wyndham Ruins, located northeast of the Sage's Cave. The idyllic surroundings can be deceiving, as enemies lurk within the ruins. As you ascend through the area, direct your path in a north-westerly direction. Eventually, your efforts will be rewarded with the discovery of the catacomb entrance, sculpted into the rugged rock face.

Chapter 2: Activation and Initial Challenges

Once you find the entrance, be sure to activate the Site of Grace known as the 'Wyndham Catacombs.' This will serve as your checkpoint as you explore the depths ahead. Before you approach the formidable boss door deeper in the catacombs, take a crucial detour to your right. Expect a dangerous trap in the form of lightning arrows, ready to strike anyone who falls into its range.

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Next, step onto the platform that operates as an elevator. You must descend while facing west. Once you reach the lower level, take a leap onto a ledge to discover 1x Grave Glovewort (5) hidden away. This item will become beneficial as you progress.

Chapter 3: The Hazardous Lower Passage

Your exploration continues through a corridor that leads straight into a treacherous room filled with guillotines. Speed past these obstacles and confront the enemies waiting ahead. As you eliminate foes, gather 1x Grave Glovewort (4) and proceed southward.

In this next area, you'll encounter two gnomes defending another 1x Grave Glovewort (5) and a pathway, which unveils a flooded vault teeming with blobs that hang ominously from the ceiling. These blobs pose a risk as they can drop unexpectedly. Push onward, dispatch foes, and retrieve 1x Ghost Glovewort (6) found at the end of this chamber.

Chapter 4: Facing New Foes and Obstacle Courses

Your journey continues with another Leyndell Knight guarding a Grave Glovewort (4) as well as a ladder leading upward. In the corridor above, it's crucial to remain vigilant and avoid a trap lurking beneath your feet. Use a Swordstone Key to unlock a chamber that contains the Lightning Scorpion Talisman—a valuable item that enhances your lightning attacks while reducing your damage resistance. Such enhancements will be pivotal when facing tougher adversaries.

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Chapter 5: The Dangerous Room Ahead

Prepare yourself for a perilous encounter in the next room. An enemy awaits, launching lightning bombs while the floor rises to threaten your safety with ceiling spikes. Act quickly and dash forward, escaping to the safety of a crucial ledge. Here, another Leyndell knight stands guard over a lever that unlocks the boss door, but first, take down the enemy lurking around the corner to the right.

Chapter 6: The Final Preparations

After engaging with the enemies, consider taking another route via the upward-moving floor area. Allow this floor to elevate you, then make a calculated drop into the shallow water below. You will emerge within another vault filled with undead foes and hazardous traps.

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As you navigate through, be wary of two giant crabs that emerge from the ground—they are daunting but not essential to defeat. These creatures protect valuable treasures, including the Ancient Dragon Apostle's Cookbook, 1x Golden Rune (5), and 2x Magic Grease. Collect these items before gearing up for the inevitable confrontation with the boss of the catacombs.

Chapter 7: Confronting the Erdtree Burial Watchdog

As you reach the climax of your journey within the Wyndham Catacombs, you will face the Erdtree Burial Watchdog, a familiar opponent for seasoned players. Having encountered similar guardians in locations such as the Stormfoot Catacombs or the Cliffbottom Catacombs, you should feel a semblance of confidence, as this foe is consistent in its attack patterns.

The most notable difference is this variant's capability to unleash lightning attacks rather than flames. Nevertheless, employing tried and tested combat strategies will be key to success. Dodge its aggressive assaults and find windows of opportunity to strike back. Familiarize yourself with its animation patterns, as they remain unchanged, ensuring that you can predict its movements.

Chapter 8: Rewards of Victory

Upon successfully vanquishing the Erdtree Burial Watchdog, you will be rewarded with 12,000 runes and a Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing (1). These prizes will significantly aid your future endeavors within the game, enriching your arsenal and fortifying your character's overall strength.

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The Wyndham Catacombs are a thrilling location that merges exploration with intense battles, testing your combat prowess and strategic planning. These depths are filled with challenges, secrets, and beginnings that ensure every player leaves with a memorable experience. Should you encounter difficulties, don’t hesitate to consult further resources or revisit our Elden Ring walkthrough for additional insights.
